Library Learning Commons (LLC) Group Study Room Terms & Conditions of Use.

To ensure fair access and use of Group Study Rooms, please read, understand, and agree to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS outlined below:

- Group Study Rooms must be booked in advance by currently registered GBC students.

- Room bookings are made on a first-come, first-serve basis to groups of two or more.

- Room bookings can be made online via the LLC website , in person at the Library Help Desk, or via telephone @ 416-415-5000 (Casa Loma ext. 4459; St James ext. 2173).

- Group Study Rooms are for use by currently registered GBC students for academic group study and collaborative work related to GBC courses.

- A room may be booked for a maximum of 3 hours per day, per group.

- A grace period of 15 minutes will be given for all room bookings. A group who does not occupy the room within 15 minutes of your start time or you leave the room unoccupied for more than 15 minutes at any time during your booking, is considered to have forfeited your booking to the next group.

- A group is defined as consisting of two or more members.

-If only one person occupies the room and the 15 minute grace period is expired the room will be given to the next group​.

- All rooms must be vacated 5 minutes prior to Library closing.

- Please be courteous of future occupants of the room. Students are responsible for removing all personal belongings, returning furniture to its original configuration, turning off the lights and locking the room.

- Please take care of the equipment and facilities so that we can continue to offer you these services. The individual student who has booked the room (using their student card) is responsible for the cost of repairing any damage and replacing any equipment that is lost or stolen during their booking / period of use.

- The LLC's food and drink policy applies in all group study rooms. Dry Snacks and travel mugs are allowed in the rooms. Please dispose of any garbage in trash bins or recycling containers. If you notice spills or problems, please report the issue to library staff.

- Videos/DVDs in GBC's Library Learning Commons collection may be shown in these rooms. Any other videos/dvds are for home use only and may not be shown in these rooms. Please check the LLC Copyright Guide for additional information.

- The Library Learning Commons accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to student possessions in the Group Study Rooms.

- The LLC reserves the right to deny room access to any group or individual for misuse or inappropriate behavior.

- Please note your booking will be cancelled if you leave the room unattended during your booking period.

- The LLC is not responsible for the security of any items left behind in the group study room. If the room is left unoccupied or when a booking expires, any items left behind will be transferred to Security.

- If you have any questions, please direct them to:

Tutoring and Learning Centre (TLC) Study Room Terms & Conditions of Use.

- A room may be booked for a maximum of 3 hours per day, per individual/group.

- TLC study rooms can accommodate 1-3 people, maximum.

- Please note your booking will be cancelled if you leave the room unattended for longer than 15 minutes during your booking period.

The TLC is not responsible for the security of any items left behind in the study room. If the room is left unoccupied or when a booking expires, any items left behind will be transferred to Security.